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"A goal without discipline is only a wish." - Mr. Troy Powell

Now you are a piece of bacon and not that turkey bacon stuff.               - Troy Powell
God created us to be creative.  We can't help it. Daydream all day!   - Troy Powell

Some of the thoughts we walked away with from this field trip:


1. Fear will make you look stupid.  Do it afraid and no one will know. Cower to fear and EVERYONE will know.


2. Its cast members job to keep each other attentive, professional and excellent. Not the Directors job.


3. Stop worrying about what others think about you and start telling and showing others what they should be thinking about you.


4.  Practice as if you only have that one moment to get it.  Once a part is learned, you should never have to relearn it.  


5. Always remain teachable.  You're never too good to learn.

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